External API
The following APIs can be called using the API key provided by Odyssey.
📄️ External API
The following APIs can be called using the API key provided by Odyssey.
📄️ Create a New Conversation
This endpoint creates a new conversation in a specified workspace. The request must include a valid API key and user ID.
📄️ Get Conversations
This endpoint retrieves conversations from a specified workspace. The request must include a valid API key and user ID.
📄️ Get Chat Messages
This endpoint retrieves messages from a specified conversation within a workspace. The request must include a valid API key and user ID.
📄️ Send Chat Message
This endpoint sends a message to a specified conversation within a workspace. The request must include a valid API key and user ID.
📄️ Get Team Members
This endpoint retrieves the list of team members based on the provided API key and team slug.
📄️ Get User Build Status
This endpoint retrieves the build status of a user's odyssey based on their user ID. The request must include a valid API key and user ID in the headers.
📄️ Like or Dislike Prompt
This endpoint allows liking or disliking a query response in a specified conversation within a workspace. The request must include a valid API key and user ID.
📄️ Save Prompt Status
This endpoint allows saving the status of a query response in a specified conversation within a workspace. The request must include a valid API key and user ID.